Mods for dragon age 2
Mods for dragon age 2

+HIGHLIGHT+TOGGLE+ It's a wonder why BioWare didn't make this an option in the first place. Perfect if you lost your saves for Origins, or are looking for a different perspective on familiar events. This handy-dandy tool allows you to create an Origins save, tweak all the relevant decisions made during a full campaign, and pops it out ready to be imported into a new career for Dragon Age 2. +DRAGON+AGE+ORIGINS+SAVE+IMPORT+GENERATOR+ Like BioWare's Mass Effect, Dragon Age 2 supports importing your saves from the first game, keeping track of all the important actions and decisions you took and affecting your Dragon Age 2 playthrough in subtle ways. This mod lets you modify the default Hawke face, allowing you to make a distinctive Hawke who's all your own without having to prod at a featureless NPC-alike noggin until you reach something half-decent. This makes it a shame when one tries to tweak it, being lumbered with one of the blank, bland appearance presets to try and wrangle a distinctive visage from. YES NO +CHARACTER+GENERATOR+REVAMP Hawke's default appearance, both male and female, is striking, unique and heroic. With any luck there will soon be mods as ambitious and sweeping in scope as were made for Origins, adding huge amounts of depth and extra fun for PC players. Of course, since Kirkwall has only been in need of its Champion for just over a week, most of the mods so far available for Dragon Age 2 are of the simple cosmetic variety, but there are still some essential tweaks available.

mods for dragon age 2

As a side note, the Characters folder located there is also where your save games are stored, and it's always a good idea to make a backup of those before you go meddling with electronic innards.

mods for dragon age 2

Simply drop the mod files in your BioWare/Dragon Age 2/packages/core/override folder that's tucked away in My Documents, though be sure to always read the specific installation instructions of any mods you install. If you've never dabbled with PC mods before, it's a breeze for Dragon Age 2.

mods for dragon age 2 mods for dragon age 2

There you'll find hundreds to thousands of tweaks, changes and fan-made content to fiddle with to your heart's content. The best mod repository for Dragon Age 2, as well as other RPGs like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series, is the group of dedicated Nexus websites.

Mods for dragon age 2